As the Media Specialist for nearly twenty years, Mrs. Jerol Shanks has a vast, eclectic array of both archival and instructional technology experience at Booker T. Washington High School.

From leading fundraising campaigns for the digitization of the school’s archives to facilitating the roll-out of ChromeBook carts and co-deliver trainings on the utilization and implementation of Chromebook technology into classroom instruction , Mrs. Shanks has proven to be an invaluable member of not only the BTW staff, but also to BTWHS.

“Mrs. Shanks has given me multiple opportunities to show my ability in networking with people by choosing me to host events and selecting me as an ambassador for the school. These opportunities have not only allowed me to better understand my environment, but also show off my technology skills by either setting up the sound system or controlling the lights for school events. She is a great person who is always there to help with anything.”
-Joie Phillips ’21